Muamar Nico Vibhavadi | 4 Aug 2021

A Bright Day as an Intern in Alterra, how my intern has changed my perspective

Hello Alterrans !

I want to share a glimpse of story about my intern life in Alterra. I am an undergraduate student majoring in Management from BINUS University. I Decided to join Alterra as my destination for my internship simply because of their amazing collaborative workplace. On top of that, I am always amazed with the achievements Alterra had. I took my first step as an OD Intern with Zero knowledge about the position. In Here, My Managers always be my first support system when it comes to sharing knowledge to their subordinates. During 4 Months of Internship, I’ve learned about assessment tools, talent mapping tools and job descriptions regulation. My managers never put me as a side hustler, they carry me to external meetings, divisions discussion and other meetings. Overall, This whole internship process is the most amazing experience I have had.

What i really like being Alterrans ?

I joined the company during the pandemic, I expected a lot of hindrances during my internship day. At the other side, Alterra provide all interns with a great supplies. Each month i received gifts from the company, Not expecting how the company could be so genuine on supporting their employees. I received a lot of benefits while working in here. Each day, POPS team hold a gathering time with the employees called “Morning Check In” where we have to bond with all members. This section, I’ve learned a lot and earned new insights every day. Moreover, i am able to participate in a gaming session everyday to create a chance winning unexpected prizes.


It was a great journey for me as an intern. My first internship is well paid off with great knowledge and experience. I am forever grateful to be a part of Alterrans ! I won’t forget this experience.

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